Confirmation Formation is a one-and-a-half-year program that typically begins in the fall of 8th grade. The Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred in January of the second year. The program focuses on expanding the candidate’s understanding of the Catholic faith and how we are called to be disciples in today’s world.
Our resource for Confirmation Formation is an exciting and dynamic program called Purpose by LifeTeen. It is our hope that Purpose will not only offer teens a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith, but will also win over their hearts at this critical time in their lives. The program has been carefully designed to address and answer teens’ fundamental questions about life, and to challenge them to embrace a life of faith. It is a program that is designed to look more like a youth night, with icebreakers, a talk, small groups, and a time of prayer. We have seen this model to be more engaging for our youth.
There will be 16 Group Sessions in Year 1 that will meet on Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm approximately twice per month and one Parent/Teen session on Monday, Sept. 9 th from 7-8pm.
Candidates are also expected to attend the Year 1 Retreat on Saturday, September 28th at Holy Hill in Hubertus, WI (transportation provided).
Candidates are expected to attend Mass every Sunday and turn in 10 Mass Reflections for this year and 5 Mass Reflections in Year 2.
Candidates will choose a Catholic saint name for their Confirmation name and write a report about that saint.
Candidates will follow the diocesan guidelines on choosing a sacramental sponsor and write a brief summary on why he or she chose this sponsor.
If the candidate was baptized at a parish other than St. EAS, we need a copy of the candidate's baptism certificate.
Each candidate is expected to complete 4 service hours within the parish or the community and turn in documentation of those hours.
In addition to the 4 service hours, each candidate is expected to participate in one parish activity during their time in Confirmation Formation.
If more than 3 sessions are missed the candidate will need to meet with Fr. Kladar and the Confirmation Coordinator to determine readiness to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Year 2
There are 7 Sessions this year which will meet on Sundays from 2:30-4:00 pm. (please note the change in session time for Year 2)
Candidates are expected to attend Mass every Sunday and turn in 5 Mass Reflections during Year 2.
The Year 2 retreat is on Saturday, October 26th at St. Catherine of Siena Church in West Dundee.
Each candidate for Confirmation will write a letter to Fr. Kladar asking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Candidates should complete 4 service hours during their time in Confirmation Formation. They are always encouraged to do more, and to continue doing service after they are Confirmed.
Sponsors are strongly encouraged to attend the closing session with the candidates which will take place during the Confirmation rehearsal.
The date for the rehearsal and Confirmation liturgy is TBA. AJanuary Confirmation date has been requestedbut will likely not be confirmed by the diocese until Bishop Malloy’s schedule is finalized in late Fall.