All men of the parish are invited our our next Men's Night Out (Age 21+) casual evening and get together to be held on July 5th, rain or shine. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other men of the parish, especially if you are a new parishioner. Bring your own steak to grill and your favorite beverage (adult or otherwise). Baked potatoes and veggies will be provided. Grills will fire up at 6pm, but come whenever you can. For planning purposes, please RSVP by July 4th to Andy Voloch at or text to 847-340-7681.
CATHOLIC KIDS CAMP AT SEAS Cost is $10.00 per child, per event!! Bring a sack lunch and drink 8:30AM-2:00PM Come one time this summer or come to all three camps!! Please circle the date or dates you will be attending. Grades 1-6 are welcome
The Knights of Columbus will host a spaghetti dinner to welcome Fr. Kladar and to celebrate being a parish family in Seton Hall on Saturday July 29th immediately following the 4pm Mass. Bring the whole family! BYOB. A Free Will offering is greatly appreciated for the dinner. Thank you! Please help us plan accordingly by signing up:
All proceeds support ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy): a National program launched in June 2022 by the Knights of Columbus. Less than a year later the ASAP program has donated more than $5 Million to pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in support of young moms and babies in need. Bi-Color Super Sweet Corn - $5.00 a half dozen, $9.00 a dozen. While quantities last! Friday August 4 - 8 a.m.- 6 p.m. Saturday August 5 - 8a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday August 6 - 8 a.m - 1:00 p.m. (or while quantities last) Sale will be held in the SEAS Parish Parking Lot . Open to the public! Sponsored by the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Knights of Columbus.
All ladies of the parish! Come out & join us for another wonderful St. EAS evening in the meditation garden. Relax & Talk and enjoy female company. Several tables and chairs will be set up, please feel free to bring your own comfy lawn chair. Bring your favorite beverage and an appetizer/snack to share
Register today for our annual Charity golf outing sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Shot Gun start at 9am. $110 (includes lunch) Scramble format, Flights: Men, Women, Mixed couples, Seniors Contact Bob Brix or 815-276-7367
All Men of the Parish are invited to our last Men's Night Out of the season (age 21+) casual evening and get together, to be held on August 30th, rain or shine. Bring your own steak to grill and your favorite beverage (adult or otherwise). Baked potatoes and veggies will be provided. please RSVP by August 29th to Andy Voloch at or text at 847-340-7681
Bring the family and join us for the annual Friends of the Poor Walk/Run. Event Date: Saturday, September 30 Location: SEAS Parish Hall Registration Time: 9:00 Start Time: 9:30 Registration forms can be found in the narthex or on the parish website. All monies raised are used to help those in need in Crystal Lake.
Join Fr. Kladar as he leads a one day pilgrimage to the monastery of New Melleray Abbey in Pest, IA. Then we will head to Galena for an Italian family-style lunch at Vinny Vanucchi's and have time to explore the shops and historic buildings of downtown Galena.
Save This Date -October 14, 2023 St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Fall Blood Drive Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #10678 When: Saturday October 14, 2023 Time: 7;30am - 12:00pm Where: 1023 McHenry Ave. Crystal Lake · Your blood is urgently needed!!!! · Click Link here to Register online to Donate
Encounter Ministries is partnering with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to host a weekend Encounter School of Healing. Healing is Jesus' idea. To Register go to
Encounter Ministries is partnering with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to host a a Saturday evening healing service that is free and open to the public. Registration is not necessary for the healing service.
Join Fr. Kladar for a powerful evening of Adoration. The night will include a talk on the Eucharist given by Father and praise & worship music before the Blessed Sacrament Fr. Kladar will also give the talk on the Eucharist at 9:30am on Oct 24th. There will not be Adoration at this morning talk
Please join us in praying the Rosary together for the conversion of hearts so that the tragedy of abortion will become unthinkable. This is a "Living Rosary" in that it is prayed with each person that participates praying either an "Our Father" (in English) or a "Hail Mary" in the language of their choice. Light refreshments are served in Seton Hall afterwards.
Join Fr. Kladar for a Field Mass to commemorate All of the Faithful Departed, or All Souls. On this day, we pray that all those who have died - our loved ones, and also those people around the world who we will never meet - through the mercy of God, will rest in peace. This Mass will take the place of our regular daily Mass in the church. There will be limited number of chairs available, please feel free to bring your own. Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass to allow time for parking.
Veterans Day Breakfast - November 12th 8:30-11:30am Veterans and active service members eat free upon presentation of veteran or service identification Registration deadline is Wed. November 9th for discounted price.
Join Fr. Kladar for a powerful evening of Adoration. The night will include a talk on the Eucharist given by Father and praise and worship music before the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Kladar will also give the talk on the Eucharist at 9:30AM on Nov 28th. There will not be Adoration at the morning talk